Discover, sell and buy original goods

Merchport is an e-commerce platform that puts genuine, original products first, has the mission to grow every small brand.

Original products

Explore handcraft products or design products that are originally created by designers and small brands in Hong Kong. Find your perfect goods that fit yourself or your friends.

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We will connect you with Hong Kong’s outstanding local shops that offer high-quality first hand products. You can always help and support small businesses by using our platform.

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Our Blog

The Disappearing of Hong Kong Comics | Daily Art Knowledge

Hong Kong comics have a long history. Dating back to the early 20th century, Hong Kong’s comic culture was primarily […]

The Last Hong Kong Traditional Handwritten Minibus Sign |Understanding Local Culture

The red minibus (also known as the red van) is one of the most unique modes of transportation in Hong […]

Vanishing Hong Kong Neon Street Scenes: Why Have Neon Signs Lost Their Glow? | Understanding Local Culture

Neon lights were originally a Western invention. Since the 20th century, the technique of creating neon signs was introduced to […]

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